MDI File Filter Information

Note that this file filter is case insensitive. It works with regular expresion elements as discussed below. To get all files, leave the filter blank.

Filter Examples

To get all files that include the string 'Test':     Test
To get all files that start with the letter 'A':      ^A
To get all files that end in characters 'end':       end$
To get all files that end in extension '.ex?':      \.ex.$

To get 'Test_Rd' files with .ce? extension:    ^Test_Rd\.ce.$

To get all files that start with 'Test_Rd'
(e.g. Test_Rd, Test_Rd2 or Test_Rdx)
with an extension of .ce?:                           ^Test_Rd.*\.ce.$

To get all files that start with 'Test'
(e.g. Test, Testing or Test_Rdx)
and end with either 'ceo' or 'ces':                ^Test.*ce[o|s]$

To get all files that start with 'Te'
and have extension '.ext' (e.g.
Te.ext, Test.ext, Tease.ext, Temp.ext ):       ^Te.*\.ext$

To get all files with extensions that
start with .rs and finish with a digit
(e.g. .rs0, .rs1, .rs2, and .rs3 files):                \.rs\d$

Elements in Regular Expressions

Use relative position within string

^      Match at start of string (first char in regex)
$      Match at end of string (last char in regex)

Use for specific characters

.       Match any character
\w    Match "word" character (alphanumeric plus "_")
\W   Match non-word character
\s     Match whitespace character
\S     Match non-whitespace character
\d     Match digit character
\D    Match non-digit character

Follow any character, wildcard, or series of characters and/or wildcard with a repetiton

*         Match 0 or more times
+         Match 1 or more times
?         Match 1 or 0 times
{n}     Match exactly n times
{n,}    Match at least n times
{n,m} Match at least n but not more than m times

Links Regex Characters - good technical information on regular expressions Tutorial on Regex - excellent technical tutorial on regular expressions

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